Post 4A Tv shows and Series

In the last 4 years Im living alone in santiago, so in all this Im recurrently watching all kind of series. One of my favorite series (if not my favorite) is Breaking Bad, I really enjoy that because in my opinion exist a complex artistic language in there, the history are so intense and full of character development every seasson. Sometimes I watch japanese cartoons too (anime) and I enjoy that too.
I dont have a specific kind of series as my favorite, but for me the most important things are the plot, like Breaking Bad, Hunter X, but I like the funny series too, like The Big Bang Theory or How i met your mother, and the documentals, always i try to watch that kind of audiovisual material, because I think is important, specially topics about the currently situation of our country and about the enviroment or world history.
In the last time I received a lot of recommendations from my friends of differents kinds of series, a lot of anime series, and new series like Dark, Elite, House of cards, etc. sometimes I turn on the tv and I dont know where start, probably the next serie will be "The Unbelievable".
I think the last serie I saw was Game of Thrones and the final dissapointed me too like a lot of people in the world and I tried to watch Naruto, but at the 390 episode I was so sick of watch that jaja, and i just give up with that, probably sometime I will end that serie.

Resultado de imagen de breaking bad


  1. Breaking bad is sick, I love that serie, but sometimes series like game of thrones or this one doesn't have very good endings, that's pretty dissapointing.

  2. I've laughed in the part of Naruto's

    I fin'd interest the relation with living alone and to watch series, I know how it feels and I believe that it's very funny to watch a lot of episodes even when I'm not a big fan of series.

  3. Breaking Bad is good at the begin, but I was already bored at the middle of the series, in my opinion the plot became really slow at that point.
    I love Hunter x too, I recommend to you to watch Full Metal Alchemist, the old and the new adaptation. It's my favourite anime series.

  4. I wasn't disappointed at the end of Game Of Thrones because the last season was heading in that direction, but it was very sad. Although that may not be the end of that series and that gives me hope.


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